Not again!

As many of you must have heard, Jon busted his knee during the Helsinki show on Friday. It happened around the hour of the show's start and Jon kept going without missing a bit (he just said "ouch"). A statement was released by the fan club by Matt saying that Jon is doing OK and no shows will be cancelled.

Now Jonny...I know you have the best physicians taking care of you, but coming myself from a family of soccer players, whenever you have an injury of this kind (specially when you're not a 20 year-old punk anymore) you have to really take care of it and let it rest or the damage can be irreversible.

I'm glad he kept on going because it shows what a pro he is, but I'm worried that in intending to show what a Superman he is, he'll do more damage to himself. I also know that if I had been in that crowd, I may have been disappointed if the show had ended so I'm torn here.

Here is a video of the moment of the incident, I was moved by the concern on both Richie's and Tico's faces but again, they kept going...they're SO.AMAZING.

Please PLEASE get well soon and take care of yourself.

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