
Whatever the reason you’re here is, welcome!

I have been a Bon Jovi fan since 1994 (I was 13 back then), when I saw the video for Always. I won’t bother to try to convince you that I thought the song was great, you know what I’m talking about: the chest hair, the cut-out jeans, the messy blond hair, the piercing eyes, the muscles…yeah all of that AND a wonderful song with a sexy husky voice and a sexy as hell guitarist…I’m sorry but how can a 13-year-old girl ignore that? I was sooooo in trouble. I think I ovulated for the first time when I saw that video - it was so awesome, I still remember the EXACT moment.

Since then, I have been pretty much unable to drop the habit, and as I dag deeper and deeper in their music I got more and more hooked. As I grew up it became not so much about Jon’s (and Richie’s, or all of them for that matter) looks, but his (their) voice, melodies, the particular music style and the absolutely moving lyrics. Why have they survived for so long? : THEY MAKE PEOPLE HAPPY. At least they make ME happy, everything tastes better when I listen to them.

Their songs always speak to our hearts and states of mind we can perfectly relate to. When you’re a teenager maybe yes, you want to jump and scream your anger against the world, but as you grow older, there are other things that you start to experience and that’s where the magic of Bon Jovi kicks in: you can always go back to their music and find something to connect with. There’s a Bon Jovi song for practically EVERY feeling or situation you may actually be experiencing. What makes them so great is that they make you feel that they do this just for you.

I’m seriously disturbed by all the beating they take from the critics, since I DO believe they are great singers, songwriters and overall great musicians and entertainers. And yes, no matter what, I buy them.

So, getting closer to the end of The Circle Tour, and a long hiatus ahead, I decided to create this blog to help me cope with any very-likely-to-happen withdrawal syndrome I may suffer in that period of time. Also, having listened to their music for so long, and listened to their records over and over again, my experience and my views on their music are now mature enough to be put into words and shared with any other Bon Jovi fan that may drop around to look. I also intend this blog to be a means through which I can get in touch with other BJ fans around the world.

Last but not least, please be patient, English is not my native language but one I feel very comfortable with and love and is the original language my favourite music is written in, so don’t be mad at me when I make spelling and grammatical  mistakes.

Hope you enjoy whatever you find here and please comment!

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